Thursday, June 17, 2010

Yesterday we wrapped up our first year being involved in Primetime (our afterschool program). This is the program's second year, but our first year making it free, and collaborating with Lauren and Lindsay on it. Each year it has gotten better and so I am excited to see how it goes next year. We started the year out with 22 kids and finished with about 10 or so. Some of the kids had transportation issues , which is something I really want to look into. If we're going to reach out, I want to make every attempt to keep the kids involved and not let them fall to the wayside. Other kids stopped coming because their parents were not too motivated to bring them. Sadly these, are some kids in our neighborhood. The parents are well intentioned but have personal issues/conflicts and so sometimes, the kids aren't as big of a priority as they should be.

Our friend Andy is moving in to the house in the next week or so. Andy is going to be teachign at UM Flint and working with us in the neighborhood. Plans are for four Ignite team members and then two available rooms (one for Andy and another is available). We're getting down to crunch time here. We're promoting, and have some potential Igniters. This Fall will be a rush for sure as we launch this new program.

Currently Reading:
The Journal of Aggressive Christianity: Issue 67
Helps to Holiness by Samuel Logan Brengle
Linking Arms, Linking Lives: How Urban-Suburban Partnerships Can Transform Communities
Beyond Christian Charity: The Call To Christian Community Development
The Bible
God's Politics: How The Right Gets It Wrong And The Left Doesn't Get It

Currently Listening to:
Hot Water Music: The New What Next


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