Monday, June 21, 2010

Today as expected, has flown by. As soon as I got to work, I started packing up and getting ready for PITP. Our first day went well. It was kind of a quiet day with only 11 kids, but we never know what kind of turn out we're going to have. We merely make ourselves available and promote as best we can, and see what happens. With PITP fallin in the middle of the day, it breaks the day up nicely. It will also mean that the Summer will fly by.

Tomorrow we are working in the GTDNA gateway garden and possibly grabbing some food downtown afterwards. If you're intereseted call 232-0617 and we'll get you more details.

Sometime last week our neighbor's house across the street was broken into. This house is owned by our friend and neighbor who is very active in the neighborhood and in Flint's redevelopment. It is suspected that someone who stays at the squatter house next door had a role in it. Subsequently, Joel and some other neighbors evicted the squatters, boarded up the house, put signs warning tresspassers, and the neighborhood is a lot quieter. However, our neighbor who is trying to reconcile with his wife tried to pick a fight with another drug house down the street. I believe he was drunk because he tried to choke his friend who was trying to stop him from attacking about 5 guys in the street.

Also this weekend, Rachel and I moved into our new bedroom. You can check out pics of the progres here. This is the first room in our house to be completely gutted and refinished. It is so nice to be in a clean space that has insulated walls, three wire outlets, nice windows, and a clean floor. we had previously been sleeping in what is now the family room. It had our bedroom stuff, as well as Hannah's PacknPlay, changing table, and tons of bins of stuff. It was stressfull and messy. Now that that room is void of bedroom stuff, we moved our couch from what will be Hannah's nursery into there, and set up a nice family room complete with a new HDTV that my parents got me for my 30th birthday. Today, I'm hoping to get the rest of the stuff out of the nursery and start ripping all the plaster and lathwood out tonight. Hannah is getting big and she needs a nursery soon. It's nice to have a cleaner house and have actual space instead of cramming stuff into rooms while the other rooms are getting worked on.


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