Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Last week we wrapped up our Wednesday night activities which run through the school year with an open air/cookout in Memorial Park. We had a brass ensemble and the canteen out. We had hot dogs, pop corn, and lemonade. We went through the neighborhood flyering for it and Picnics In The Park, which starts this Monday. I'd say there was around 100 people in the park. Kids were playing catch, running around, and using the playground equipment while parents watched and talked to other parents. It couldn't have been a nicer day to do this.

This past weekend Rachel, Hannah, Erin, and I attended the Salvation Army Central Territory's Commissioning Weekend otherwise known as Congress. This was Rachel's first time attending. I haven't been to one since 1997 or so. It was great to catch up with people I hadn't seen in 10+ years. It was great to hear the General (head of the worldwide Sal) speak. On Saturday, Rachel and I met with about 15 people who wanted to hear about what we are doing in Flint by way of our jobs and living in the neighborhood. I hope that we shared some things that people found valuable and could maybe be of use in what they are doing in their own cities.

This week we are working on Christmas in July, which is basically one week of kettles/bell ringers. When The Sal does this they usually have a lot of fun with it. People in shorts and Hawaiian shirts sitting in lawn chairs and so on. We're only looking to do about 10 sites around the area for one week to help raise some more funds to help with the work we are doing in the city.

We're also working on grants for the co-op house. We've done a bit of research on LEED Certification which is basically a rating system for buildings and homes that are energy efficient. There is a lot of funding out there for LEED Certified homes which we hope to tap into. In the meantime, it is looking like year one of the Ignite Co-Op will likely be at our own house until the 923 house is ready for the team.

Our neighborhood president is stepping down at the end of this month. There is a conflict of interest between the position and her job which could complicate our neighborhood getting Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds in the future. I have expressed an interest in the position and Heidi (the current pres), as well as the majority of the neighbors involved in the association are supporting my becoming neighborhood president. So, I could be president of one of Flint's two downtown neighborhoods which is also one of the oldest neighborhoods in Flint at the end of this month. I've already started to brainstorm what I would like to add to the table to build on what the previous presidents have brought.

Last, I'm trying to work on ways that we can be involved in the Flint Handmade Market (Dec. and May) as well as the downtown art walks which happen on the second Friday of each month. We've been asked if we had anything going on during these that could be promoted. On the Flint City Handmade side of things, we're looking at selling products made from around the world that support under served communities or undesirable groups of people while raising awareness. On the artwalk side, I'd love to do some out door concerts in our parking lot featuring local bands while having some other visual arts which help raise awareness about causes such as Project 24/29 (every 24 hours, 29,000 people die from preventable diseases).


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