Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's my last day in the office this week. We have a lot to do, but I'm also getting antsy. We leave tomorrow morning for the Chicago area where we will be attending The Salvation Army's Commissioning Weekend. This is a big gathering of Salvationists from all over the 11 midwest states. There is a theme each year, and at the end the graduating cadets are commissioned (ordained) as Salvation Army Oficers (pastors) and find out where they will be sent in the midwest.

This year the General of the Sal will be attending and speaking. Since Rachel has never been to a congress (the other name for the weekend), I wanted us to go. We've also been asked to be a part of an unofficial gathering of people where we will talk about what we're doing in the neighborhood and how we minster to people. I've never been asked to do something like this, so I (and probably Rachel) am a little nervous.

I hope that we can have a good discussion and that we can learn from others as well as impart some information to others who may be looking on how to engage people in an urban setting.


Phil A. said...

Tom and Rachel - Thanks for sharing Saturday afternoon!

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