Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We are blessed with some really good friendships in the neighborhood.

We are blessed to be working with people who are skilled in trades, community development, working with children, engineering or architecture, or who just like to lend a hand.

We are blessed by the density of the neighborhood, the fact that people don't just hide in their houses, and that people will watch over your house when you're out of town. Walks around the neighborhood often involve several breaks when neighbors ar out and conversations start.

We are blessed to have jobs where our job is all about people and not numbers. It allows for us to really think, pray and discuss how we proceed in the neighborhood. It allows for us to walk the neighborhood and talk to our neighbors about anything and everything. When we are able to really get to know the neighbors, we can have conversations about faith, hope, values, etc.

We are blessed that though our neighborhood has several drug houses, squatter houses, and quite a bit of crime, that there is almost no violence, no guns, and we can still live our lives without always being on edge.

We are blessed to be able to learn from the people around us. To be invited to be a part of committees, city wide meetings, community development meetings, and more. It really has helped to network, find resources and connect with other people to help better our community.

We are blessed by the faith and trust that people show in us which allows us to set big goals and know that the neighborhood will rally behind us and give momentum to what we are trying to do.


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