Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh yeah. I remember you guys! Ooops...

I have to admit that I am a little ashamed but I forgot about part of our neighborhood. We have this little section (4 streets) of the neighborhood which you can only enter if you leave the neigborhood and then come back into it from 1/2 a mile away. Confusing I know... Anyway it is in a low lying area that is a flood plain of sorts and it is called Halls Flats. I flyered the neighborhood for the Community Cleanup I mentioned yesterday yet I forgot these people. When I flyered their houses today, I got to thinking about how often we can forget about people if they are not in our line of site. This little section of our neighborhood has always felt somewhat alone, maybe that's why they have their own name. Their sidewalks and streets are a mess and in dire need of repair. The homes are in decent shape, but the park nearby is a mess. It is already overgrown with weeds and trash. The lesson I learned here is that we need to always look beyond our little area and see what is going outside of our little world. It's a simple one, and one I have learned before. I think I'll keep leanring it. It's just one of those things that civilization has always wrestled with (compassion first, not selfishness).


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