Thursday, May 6, 2010

Self Assessment can sting

Rachel shared this paper off of the 614 Network called "How is Jesus the focus of incarnational living?" with me yesterday and I thought it was noteworthy to post it. She highlighted a few areas which she felt we were not totally on track.

Concentrating on relationships rather than programs.
Such a easy trap to fall into and such a hard hole to get out of. In our city once it begins to get cold (Oct./Nov.) people are indoors and scarcely are seen. Then kettles sets in and we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Then we recoup after kettles spend some time brainstorming and working on goals, and ways to connect with the neighors (usually in the way of programs). If we don't break this cycle, we will have limited interaction with the neighbors (aside from the ones we have formed friendships and working relationships with) with the exception of the Summer months when we are all outdoors. To stay connected with the neighborhood is similar to a diet or excercise or discipleship. We know that we need it, we want it, but when push comes to shove, we do not put forth the effort we should.

This is possibly how my heart may have gotten hardened towards the drug dealers, the squatters, the people addicted to drugs and alcohol, the people who make too much noise in our neighborhood, and so on. I need to spend some serious time in prayer and scripture and repenting of my hard heart.

Communicating the gospel in contextual language and images
Its as simple as this. How can I do this when I have limited engagement with the people in my neighborhood. How do I successfully and proudly represent The Salvation Army in my neighborhood? How do I get to a place where I wake up even more broken for the people in my neighborhood, and how do I manage my time so that I can have time for them.

This is a very tough one as I rennovate a house, work full time (though this is part of my job), figure out how to raise my daughter, keep the house clean, and be a good husband. I suspect the answer is discipline... I need to press forward no matter how tired I am. I need to take inventory of my life and prune the things that are hindering growth in my life.

Understainding faith and discipleship as whole-life activities

Rejecting sacred/secular dualism and refusing to see church as a separate sphere

Regarding mission as two-way, so that we learn ad much as we teach

Not extracting converts from their culture but equipping them to live within it as followers.


erica johnson said...

just stumbled across this blog - i'm really digging what's going on here and in your city. i'm looking forward to meeting you and discussing community, "incarnational ministry", etc. along with major phil.

praying for your house, family, ministry.


Tom Wyatt said...

Thanks Erica. I don't know if we ever formally met. I know you are friends with my sister Erin though. See you at Congress!

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