Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The cost..

I've often commented that I would be a horrible soldier in war. I would be terrified. I would probably desert my post if I hadn't already fled to Canada. War is an intense thing. It tries to break the mind, the spirit, the body. It leaves you scarred for life. With such horrific conditions, I can understand completely why someone would receive medals for bravery. To go into war is one thing. You have to understand why you are fighting, but then to also put yourself at risk for the sake of someone else brings out a even higher understanding of why you are there. You are there not just for the cause, but for your fellow soldiers, to protect them if necessary. I just didn't have it in me. Too lazy, not enough initiative, and too skeptical.

And when I would hear phrases like "go for souls!" and "the world for Jesus!" they initially sound like great quotes used in a speech that rallied Christians, and energized them for the cause, but then reality would set in, and I would begin to rationalize my lack of zeal. I would think to myself, Tom, those are the words of a charismatic speaker, a founder of a movement who had the energy of a new work of God all around him firing him up. Times are different, and that time has passed. How wrong I was.

William Booth was disciplined and had a undying passion for the lost. Booth was a true soldier. He understood the stakes, understood the cause, and saw it worth fighting for, even if it meant giving up his life. Honestly, this is tough cost to think about. I am young, and my wife and I just had a baby. Would I give up my life for the lost? Yes, but it would come at a great price to my family and friends. And it is a terrifying ting to think about. Suffering, loss, heart break, even death. No one wants that! I think many people think about this. Whether it is regarding serving in the armed services and going to war, or going for souls (which may entail going into places we fear or are uncomfortable in), sometimes the cost seems too great and we back down.

Now, some would say that it is because they don't have the spiritual gift of evangelism, but I would say everyone should be engaging the lost and never complacent. Always push yourself. Some may be more skilled or have gifting in evangelism, some may have a broken heart for the lost, but that doesn't get everyone else off the hook. As Catherine Booth (or maybe William?) preached in her last sermon, she said something to the effect of "When I get to heaven, God will not ask what I have done in his name on earth, but how many souls I brought to him".

Some in The Salvation Army have said, we can't make it harder for people, we already have so few willing to serve. To which I replied that maybe we make it harder and get more serious men and women which produces better and longer lasting results. Tough words I know, and I was very uncomfortable saying this especially in a room full of Officers, but we cannot be complacent.

I'm glad I have officers who love us and have our well being in mind, but also give us the choice to go into the trenches to go for those who no one else will go for. Having spent a short time in the trenches, I now feel compelled to immerse myself in them, to not let my neighbors suffer alone but to suffer with them and advocate for them. To be able to do so, requires a heart broken for our neighbors, and a desire to see them saved at any cost. We've already paid somewhat. Last Fall, one of our lawn mowers (the broken one) was stolen. Last week someone got into our mudroom and stole our ladders and a toolbox. My first inclination is anger (and still is somewhat), but my second response is brokenness for the individual(s) that stole this stuff, most likely to sell them and then use the money to buy drugs across the street from us or at one of the other houses. I want them to know that despite their illegal actions against me, I care for them and want to see their life renewed through Jesus Christ's blood. I want to see this no matter what the cost. And so, maybe I would be a good soldier after all. Only God knows.

Be Holy. Give up your life. Love others more than yourself. Go for souls. Rebuild Restore & Renew.


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