Thursday, May 6, 2010

A different kind of job

We've been doing a lot of reading lately. As a ministry staff, we are going through Samuel Logan Brengle's "Helps to Holiness" which is very good. We're also spending time in prayer and in the bible each day (or trying to). Major Phil sent us a book by John Perkins (CCDA founder) and a few others called "Linking Arms, Linking Lives: How Urban-Suburban Partnerships Can Transform Communites". I have yet to start it, but Rachel has. And then we're reading "In Darkest England And The Way Out" by William Booth.

It's odd being paid to read, learn, pray, garden, etc... I'm used to factory work, production lines, working with people who hate their job, and jobs based on immediate results at a rapid pace. We wrestle with it sometimes. How is it that we read at home, and the same types of books count as work at work. But it is essential that we do these things. Brengle writes in his book about how we can have a spiritual leakage of power where we become tired and drained (more or less) of our effectiveness. We must always be seeking God to be filled up, renewed, and ready. Otherwhise, our efforts, our words, our prayers are empty and have no effect. Sometimes we have to wait on God to fill us, and so our efforts may seem slow, but we are proceeding wisely. I think its paid off. There are a lot of different avenues we could have pursued that we didn't because the timing wasn't right or we didn't feel God's blessing on it.


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