Monday, March 8, 2010

I am glad that it is warming up and that Spring is almost here. I was walking Lucy around the neighborhood yesterday, trying to make up for the lack of walks she got during the cold months. Normally it isn't a big deal, the cold, but our neighborhood is especially icy, drives and sidewalks are often not cleared,s o it can be challenging trying to control a 100lb rotty. But yesterday was a great day to take her for a nice long walk. Soon we were surrounded by the local neighborhood kids who we had befriended last summer, some of whom attend our after school program here at The Sal. The ones who haven't come want to come to after school and to the Wednesday night programs. So, the kids helped me walk Lucy and we got a chance to catch up. I'm eager to reconnect with some of these kids who seemed non existent during the Winter months.

I came into the office today and realized that it has been a year since we launched Community Ministries at The Sal here in Flint. Looking back here are some of the highlights:

  • Joining the Grand Traverse Neighborhood Association as a corps and as residents
  • Prayer walks almost every day during the warm months which helped us to be seen in the neighborhood regularly, gain an understanding of the needs of the neighborhood, and meet lots of the residents.
  • The Americorps Signature Service Project which included the building of the playscape, gardens, neighborhood clean up, spring grove butterfly gardens and more.
  • The GTDNA Family Fest which was attended by around 450 neighbors.
  • Vision 20/20 committee working on a $500k grant for improvements in the neighborhood
  • Developing a strong partnership with Court Street Village Non-Profit Housing Corp., Genesee Habitat for Humanity, Stockton/Spring Grove, The Landbank, GTDNA, and others.
  • Spring Break VBS
  • Prime-Time our free after school program which is a partnership with Lauren and Corps Ministries
  • Dodgeball/Open Gym (attendance between 30-80)
  • Clean & Green trash pickup
  • Neighborhood Projects (various)
  • Employing over 100 bell ringers, some were even residents of our neighborhood
  • Moving into the neighborhood and opening our house up for others to come and live with us and work in the community
  • Getting a good number of neighborhood kids and other kids involved in the Wed. Night youth activities
  • Picnics in the park (our free lunches for kids throughout the summer)
  • Young Adult Bible Study
  • Concerts
  • 24 hour /48 hour prayer events
  • The creation of a prayer room
  • The launch of a prayer meeting
  • National Day of Prayer in Memorial Park
  • Taking an active role in policing the neighborhood and trying to weed out crime.
  • Mommy Cafe
  • Youth, Teen, and Family Fun Nights
  • Concert in the park
As we enter the second year of Community Ministries we will continue to do what we have been doing and launch new ministries like The Salvo House, The Salvo Meeting, and more. One thing is for sure, we love the neighborhood and city. We are so excited that our daughter will live in an urban environment and that we can teach her how to have compassion, love and a heart for the city.


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