Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I know my last post dealt with college ministry, but things are going good with the bible study on Monday nights. It is inspiring and motivating to continue and expand the work we do with Young Adults. We continue to have new people attending and who seem to be looking for some sense of community. The funny thing is that most if not all of them belong to some church, but yet come here. Two people who attend the same church refer to their home church as a place where they help out, but they don't speak of it with any intimacy that indicates that this is where they come to be fed, to worship, to find community.

I wonder, is it our mission that draws people? Is it the lack of programs for young leaders in their church? Whatever it is, we seem to be getting a good group of people. I would really like to expand the college program to include some worship and further teaching soon. It has always been on my heart. Despite any issues that people had with Cross ConneXions, it impacted Rachel and I so much. Now it became somewhat separate from the Citadel which is not what Rachel or I desire. I would hope that the bridging that has already been transpiring on Wednesday nights and now Sunday mornings, would be evidence of that. Of course, I don't desire to replicate Cross ConneXions. I appreciate the community, relationships, and spiritual growth that transpired there.

So I guess we'll see... One thing is for certain, things are always happening here.


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