Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tutoring Help Needed.

We are in serious need of volunteer tutors to help tutor Prime-Time kids (our afterschool program) on Tuesdays and Fridays (possibly Thursdays) from 4:00pm - 5:00pm (some kids may work on homework after 5:00pm possibly up to 6:00pm).

On average there are six kids at a time requiring assistance, most of which have a good level of difficulty working through their homework on their own. It makes for a difficult situation when you only have one or two tutors, and up to six kids pleading with you for help simultaneously.

Ideally, we would like to continue to get corps people involved in the tutoring before seeking outside volunteers at nearby campuses because these kids are getting involved on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings, and any additional interaction they can have with corps people would help with the bridging going on between corps and community.

So please make this a matter of prayer that God would provide more tutors for this program. And ask God if he would have you play a role in Prime-Time.


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