Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Well, it is officially Fall, and we're well into the rhythm of Fall activities at the church. We have are developing a rhythm for Prime Time (our after school program). We successfully got through our 24 hour prayer event this weekend with only a few small gaps in the early morning. Now, we have time to catch our breathe and begin to work on ideas for the coming months, that is... until kettles (beginning Nov 13th.), and then before we know it, it will be 2010. I was beginning to feel like we'd always be on the go with little time for planning, but it is starting to work out. So keep your eyes open for new events, opportunities for service, and more.

BTW, the prayer room is nearly finished and is funtional. Check it out if you get a minute. It is located in the Upper Youth Hall (second room from the stairway that goes from the basement to the Upper Youth Hall).


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