Friday, September 25, 2009

Things are very busy to say the least here at work. In fact, we have little time for planning, promotions, and other things. It's not a bad thing, it's different. Who know things could get this busy this fast.

Rachel and I each work 30 hours a week. Fifteen of those hours are spent working with kids in the afterschool program (Prime Time) that we run with our co-workers Lauren and Josiah. We made Prime Time free this year so that it would attract kids from the neighborhood. On any given day, we have about 20 kids we work with on homework. They are also able to get some time in the gym to unwind and burn some energy. We also offer time in the computer lab as well as weekly bible lessons and memorization of bible verses.

On Wednesdays after Prime Time, these kids join us for dinner and then participate in the Youth Activities such as Sunbeams, Girl Guards, music theory, Beginners Band, Adventure Corps and open gym. The last few weeks the gym has sounded like there was a stampede going on in there because of all the kids!

Some of the kids and their parents are staying for Family Fun Nights, Youth Fun Nights, and other activities too. We are having very little trouble in bridging corps and community, which is awesome! What makes it even cooler is that the kids who come to Prime Time hail from either our Summer Day Camp program, or Picnics in the Park. Where we once had trouble drawing families in from our outreaches, and programs outside of the usual Citadel program offerings, we have very little.

I have to say I was hesitant to spent so much of my time indoors, in the building instead of working on outreach and things outside the building in the community, but these kids are from the neighborhood and they have some real needs. They need discipline, and guidance, and love, and compassion, and for someone to listen to them. While it may be uncomfortable for people that the corps is growing and at times seems a little chaotic, we are embracing the mission to which God has called us.


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