Wednesday, September 2, 2009

College Ministry

Today is day one of getting info out to students at the various campuses. Today we were invited to set up a table at the Riverfront Housing which accommodates students from Mott, UM Flint, Kettering, and Baker. Tomorrow, we will be at the UM Flint Student Fair from 2-5pm promoting community ministries and other aspects of Flint Citadel.

This got me thinking of ways we can reach adults age 30 and up. We have no issue providing opportunities for children, teens, and college age, but it's the parents we have yet to really figure out some good programming for. Just as we provide a holistic ministry, we want to provide ministry to each demographic in our area.

Anyhow, please pray for us as we make attempts to connect with more college students through providing opportunities to come along side us and join us as Salvos in the fight against injustice, and sin.


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