Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday Nights @ The Sal

Here's the scoop on Monday Nights @ The Sal. *beginning September 14th.

6:00pm Prayer Walk (through the neighborhood)
These are a lot of fun, and a great way for "slactivists" (people who claim to be activists but really just sit on the internet and puff themselves up) or anyone else to really get out there and see first hand the community, develop ideas on how to better the community, and begin to do something in the community.

7:00pm Fitness Room / Gym / Hang out time
This is when the gym and workout area will be open for free use. Come join us as we get in shape, play basketball, do pilates, or whatever. Also, feel free to hang out.

8:00pm Catalyst Bible Study
Snacks will be provided, but we will be discontinuing the meal due to the later meeting time, and lack of people who were participating in this aspect of the bible study. This will also help the bible study to end earlier (9pm or so).

If you have any ideas, or would like to organize something like a pick up game, or whatever during the night, let us know.


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