Thursday, June 4, 2009

This weekend is another busy weekend for us.

Tomorrow a bunch of us are going to the Red Ink Studios "open house" at their new space within the Capital Theater! This should be a great time. If anyone wants to come along, let us know. I think we're meeting at the corps at 6:00pm. There may be some other stuff going on downtown too, but I am not sure.

On Saturday we have part 2 of our clean up of the I69 Downtown Entrance Gateway. Last week we got the first block cleaned up. This week we tackle the second block. If you're interested in helping (and we do need help) contact us at the corps (232-2199).

Later on, we're going to a soldier's open house for his high school graduation. This should be a great time of celebration. Mark has proven himself to be a great young man with a bright future.

On Sunday, we are bringing back the "open air" meetings at the Citadel. Well.. maybe not in regular occurrence like they used to in the early days, but who knows what will happen after this first one. So, if you are interested in attending, we will be at Memorial Park at 5pm for the meeting (which includes hot dogs and other refreshments)! We're all set on volunteers for this one, but come and enjoy some music and fellowship, and meet some of our neighbors.

Also one week until....


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