Monday, June 8, 2009

Another busy weekend

We had a pretty busy weekend again..

On Friday (and I wish I had brought my camera) Gill, Keith, Mary Beth, Kelly, Rachel and I met downtown and went to the Red Ink Studios "open house" in their new space within the Capital Theatre. The best part was the last half of the open house, when they opened up the actual Capital Theatre for a tour. We got to walk through all the parts of it. It was so cool to see people of all generations reminiscing about their time there. One guy said he saw "Gone With The Wind" there when he was young. Afterward, we ended up at the Torch Bar for dinner. I have to say that their was a definite buzz around the downtown because of how busy it was. Everyone is excited about revitalization of the downtown area.

On Saturday, Penny and I started clean up work on the second block of the I69 Downtown Gateway Entrance, by dead heading and weeding. We're still not done, but we're getting there. In the process Penny and I were able to get to know each other better. She has a real heart for ministry and serving.

Finally, on Sunday we had an open air concert in Memorial Park and hot dogs afterward. There were a few neighborhood people who popped in to listen to the music and enjoy some food. We also had quite a few corps people come out. The weather even held up for us!

Afterward, we came home and crashed. We had been doing a lot of work thoughout the week/weekend on our house getting it ready to show to potential tenants. We're still hoping that we can get all the details worked out to lease our house out and move downtown. We'v found a place and are excited. However, do you ever notice how exhausted you feel even before you have a big undertaking ahead of you? I feel like I am dragging my heels constantly. Everything will come together though.


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