Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Picnics in the Park

Well we made it through our first day of the "Picnics in the Park" program. It went very well. Our Food Bank guy was there to help us through it, and was very impressed at how we did. We fed 14 kids yesterday. I think it will grow substantially throughout the week and summer. It will be nice to get to know the kids and develop relationships with their family.


Today we had 18 kids (1/3 of which were returning kids from yesterday). We were kind of panicking because the playground was empty, but when the downtown church bells chimed letting us know that it was 12 noon, we began to see families coming from the neighborhood to eat lunches. Today we had much more interaction with the parents and kids. We ended the day playing kickball with some of the older kids and then drinking a lot of water afterward.


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