Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lectio Divina, and Bible Study in the park

Yesterday, we had our first bible study in Memorial Park. Normally we meet at the Sal in the youth hall. We had a cookout (hot dogs and burgers), played Frisbee, and studied 1 Peter 1:13-21 which talks about our temptation to sin, and how we should desire to be holy. I really like having bible study outdoors. I get cabin fever if it is warm and nice out yet, I am stuck inside. I think everyone had a great time. We also went through some materials that delved into Lectio Divina, which is an old form of studying the bible. We used the same passage and the SOLO devotional by Eugene Peterson which integrates his MESSAGE paraphrase of the bible. I don't think everyone will like Lectio Divina, but it certainly is a neat way to study the bible at times.


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