Monday, June 1, 2009

This week in Memorial Park!

This Wednesday June 3rd, in place of the usual Wednesday night activities that occur between 6:00pm- 7:30pm, we will be taking kids to Memorial Park (located a few blocks south of the Corps between Church, and Grand Traverse and Fifth Streets). The bus (or vans) will be leaving at 6:00pm from the corps and returning at 7:20pm in time for the rest of the Wednesday night activities.

Also, this Sunday there will be an Open Air meeting at Memorial Park featuring the Flint Citadel Senior Band. Memorial park is in the heart of the Grand Traverse Neighborhood and provides the perfect place to enjoy music, food (hot dogs and popcorn), fellowship, and fun.

Parking is available on Church Street, the Memorial Park parking lot (entrances from Grand Traverse or Fifth), as well as any of the side streets nearby. Please come and enjoy some music in the midst of our neighborhood. *Make sure to bring a lawn chair and invite people to come to this meeting.


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