Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rotary Clubs?

We were guests today at the Flint Rotary Club. However, our hostess was not there. Rumor was going around of a root canal? Anyway, despite having to get up way earlier than usual, it was nice to meet some of the members and hear the speaker, who was from Habitat for Humanity. He spent a lot of time talking about the Grand Traverse Neighborhood and their focused investment there. When all is said and done, Habitat will have built 15 new homes in the neighborhood. They are also looking at doing rehabs of existing homes within the neighborhood. It is good to see that the neighborhood has support from all types of people. The speaker spoke very highly of the neighborhood and it's neighborhood association. It made me feel proud to be a part of such a great community.

On a side note, rotaries are an interesting thing. This one reminded me a lot of our corps "men's breakfast". There were some jokes told, some little tid bits on Memorial Day, breakfast, prayer, and some other items. Rachel couldn't help but notice the ratio of men to women was staggering. Did these used to be "boys clubs" so to speak? Nonetheless, I am glad that we have rotary clubs where people can network and make a difference in the community.


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