Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Soup, Soap, Salvation

Rachel just got a call from the IMA of Flint. They own or manage several of Flint's parks including Broome Park, where our softball team plays in the summer. We had contacted them regarding doing a Summer Food Program in Memorial Park for kids. Apparently they are very excited about the potential use of the park to provide meals for kids in the G.T.D.N.A. (Grand Traverse District Neighborhood Association). Memorial Park is centrally located in the neighborhood providing a great meeting place. With the upcoming playscape build, it should be teeming with children. Our hope is that IMA will give us a key to the building in good faith that we will be good stewards of the building and generate more and more use of the park. Some potential opportunities are salvo open air meetings, having one of the Sunday night back yard bible studies there, daycamp recreation, and use of the ball field for kickball or softball.

On another you know what a "gap year program" is? Check out Ignite, which is comprised of some salvo friends in Regent Park, Ontario. One of our long term goals is to start some form of a gap year program here / college co-op.

We are confident that God is for us because we are for the cause of Christ. He is our banner. He has gone before us like fire in the night to prepare a place for us, and to lead us to that place. He continually affirms this to us on a daily basis through the saints, community members, and open doors/opportunities. We dream big because we have a big God, through whom all things are possible.


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