Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vocationally Incarnational & Missional

Rachel and I came in an hour early today because we had arranged for Community of Mental Health to give a presentation about what they do and how they can be resourced to Citadel and County employees. Our church's own Linda Larned (a C.M.H. employee) gave the presentation and did a great job. Linda exhibits a passion for all that she does. She has told me how through the week she becomes increasingly worn down by the weight of the issues that the clients bring and trying to assist them the best that she can.

It is great to know that we have followers of Jesus in this profession. In fact, it is great to have the people of Jesus embedded in jobs all over the world. This is one instance of incarnational ministry. I think of some people in our church who have continually spoke into the lives of their co-workers and in doing so, have helped to bring others towards Jesus. These so called newcomers are now a vital part of our community and in turn are reaching out to others around them.

Whether these people were purposely evangelistic/missional minded/Incarnational, I do not know. I do know that at some point they were called by Jesus to a response and chose to enter into a loving, growing, and dynamic relationship with Him. The kingdom of God is breaking strongholds long held by the enemy.

As agents of God's kingdom are you actively participating in the rebuilding, restoring, and renewing of this world in your work place, in your family, in your own world?


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