Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Good Friday" Version 2.0

One church leader that I admire is Dan Kimball, an emerging/evangelical pastor of Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz, California. Dan often tries out of the box methods of reaching people for Jesus. Our Monday night bible study recently finished up a series by Dan Kimball and Zondervan called "They Like Jesus But Not The Church", which looks at six hot issues in the church that can push people away from Christianity and how we can approach those issues in a way that gives longevity to conversations with non-Christians about these issues allowing for more opportunities to share Jesus with them.

Anyway, Dan's church brings Good Friday to the city each year rather than holding a traditional Good Friday service. I thought it was pretty interesting especially since we are trying to think outside the box in our jobs, always seeking new ways to effectively reach people for Jesus.

Check it out here!


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