Monday, April 27, 2009

Dead or Alive

Did anyone catch the Captain's sermon yesterday? It was simple but planted a penetrating thought in this listener. Is your Jesus dead or alive? By that, I mean, do you study Jesus as if he were one part of the past, or do you study Jesus knowing that he is alive and still speaks today? Is your life balanced by time reading the bible and talking to Jesus in prayer? Prayer is a powerful life changing thing.

Captain is trying to bring back the "prayer meeting", which he laments to the death of. There is something invigorating about corporate or not even corporate, but maybe a small band of people, praying prayers of praise, sorrow, joy, lamentation, hope, and excitement. Knowing that we are in it together and that God is actively working in each persons life renews hope in the others involved. It brings friends closer, or even sparks new friendships.

And so, we now have another opportunity to come together in prayer outside of our weekly holiness meeting and the prayers that open and close our weekly programs.

Join us @ 9:00am on Sunday mornings as we seek to resurrect the prayer meeting if only for 30minutes or so.

Join us on a prayer walk, which we do daily during the day, as well @ 5:30 preceding Thursday night activities, and following monthly corps dinners.

Or come to the prayer room (coming soon) with some friends, or on your own; and wrestle through silence, your own thoughts, aches, pains, or persistent itches, and meet with God. Kneel at the drum, or lay flat on the floor. Pray the bible, or meditate on quotes from fellow Salvo saints/pioneers. Share everything that makes you who you are with the God who already knows who you are. It is freeing, invigorating, exciting, relieving.

Lead us out of the desert O Lord into the land of promise. Raise up generation after generation who call you their Lord and Savior.


Rachel Wyatt said...

This message got me thinking too. Check out my similar response in our upcoming "May Sparks" newsletter.

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