Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Becoming better neighbors by rebuilding restoring and renewing

Today Jim Fearon and I attended a meeting for the upcoming "Americorps Service Project weekend" (May 14th-16th) at the Stockton House. Because of this project, this has been the perfect time to get involved in the church's neighborhood (The Grand Traverse District Neighborhood). God really is preparing a way for us here. When Rachel and I began to walk through the city we were drawn to the G.T.D.N. area. Little did we know that this was actually our official neighborhood. The G.T.D.N.'s boundaries are: the Flint river to the north, the Swartz and Thread creeks to the west, Beech St. to the east, and I69 to the south.

We have been trying to get involved as neighbors first, and as a church/non-profit second. This all is a bit hazy and we are not implying that we are watering down Christianity, the gospel or the Salvation Army, but the main idea is that these people have been in this neighborhood a long time. They have a way of doing things and they too have a passion and vision for the neighborhood. So, we are treading lightly, helping where we can, offering what we can, and befriending those within the neighborhood, all the while, people know full well that we are a church and a non profit. The result has been great thus far.

Anyway back to our meeting.... The meeting was about this huge project that the neighborhood is undertaking. Americorps youth are coming in in the hundreds to help with several projects. Some are helping to build a playscape in Memorial Park. Others are working in Spring Grove (located behind Stockton House) to remove debris from illegal dumping, as well as to begin the process of returning it back to a wetland reserve. A few groups will be cleaning Land Bank owned properties. Some will be working with planters on Saginaw Street. Some will be working in Riverbank Park. And Some, will be helping to build habitat homes, one of which, will be for a family that is a part of our church.

With the sheer enormity of this project, the neighborhood is in serious need of coordinators, leaders, resources, and workers. We have been able to lend a hand in a number of ways. Our canteen will be in the park during the weekend. Jim Fearon, a master gardener, is consulting on several of the projects which require his expertise. Erin Wyatt is taking pictures throughout the whole weekend, documenting the whole project. She has also taken several pictures of the wall/mural along Ann Arbor Street which will be removed soon due to the fact that it provides a discreet place for illegal dumping. Bob Lee will be offering his security expertise at the park to ensure that tools and equipment does not go missing. Rachel, Captain Jon, and I have been attending meetings looking for ways to engage our neighbors and offer help if need be. These are just a few of the ways and just a few of our people that are getting involved in this project.

Throughout all of this we have made several contacts and friendships are developing. We are actively participating in the rebuilding, restoring, and renewal of our city in this neighborhood. In the wake of de-industrialization, we are reclaiming areas and returning them to beautiful green spaces which display the splendor of God. Some of these projects will allow for an outdoor play place for summer day campers, a place to have bible studies, kick ball games, and more!


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