Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Break VBS

We're in the middle of our "spring break vacation bible school" here at work. So far things are going really good. We have a handful of adult volunteers and about the same number of teenage volunteers. It's great to see so many people involved. For the adults, it seems to be a change of pace for them as some may be retired or not presently working. The teens are on spring break. They could have gone on a vacation or stayed home and slept in, but instead have chosen to work with these kids, teaching them songs, scripture, crafts, and games. While some choose to write off teenagers as flighty, these teens have shown real leadership and a desire to be engaged with these kids in whatever they are doing.

Rachel has done a great job planning and recruiting. Though I don't have a whole lot to do with the VBS, I sure find myself in the midst of it. It is hard to concentrate when you do there is something different and big going on in the building.

VBS is set to end with a carnival in the gym on Friday after our church's Good Friday service and the kids' participation in our Sunday meeting by leading a song. I hope we have made an impact in the kids' lives this week that is lasting.

- currently listening to: The Swell Season


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