Friday, April 10, 2009

The end of VBS

Well, we're finally at the end our Spring Break VBS. The week has flown by. The kids have been relatively good and seemed to respond to the curriculum and activities. Right now they are in our Good Friday service with people from around the community. Following that we are giving them easter eggs with the gospel message inside. And then we wrap up the day with a carnival in the gym.

Rachel and I are exhausted but we would be even more exhausted without the help of our adult and teen volunteers. They really have done a great job this week. We officially end our work with the kids, at least for VBS, on Sunday when they lead a song during church.

Rachel and I couldn't have planned a better time to go on vacation (next week). While we love what we are doing here and will no doubt get restless on vacation, we need a break and to get refreshed. So, we're going down to Myrtle Beach for about a week and then up to D.C. for the weekend. Hopefully we will come back refreshed and with some renewed energy.


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