Thursday, December 23, 2010

We have a room in the sal referred to as "The Band Room". It's basically a locker room of sorts where our brass band keeps their music, instruments, and meets before our church service to warm up, pray, and have fellowship. Wherever there is not a locker, there is a picture from some era in the band's history. Below the picture is a list by row of who is being pictured. Today as I passed through the room I was struck by this one photo from 1965. Quite a few of the people are still around today. They looked so proud to be a part of the band. It was quite a powerful tool for engaging people, sharing the gospel, and bringing people into The Salvation Army. Nowadays, the band does not do open air meetings, march down the streets, or draw many new people in through their music. But, I am impressed that they are looking at new ways in which they can be used by God. Instead of holding on to the past and letting the future slip by, they are looking forward.

When I see the picture of where we were nearly half a century ago and where we are now, I feel proud to be part of such a hard working movement. I may not be in the band, but I definitely feel the same fighting spirit in me that they had when they went out into the streets. I can see why the men who are still in the band are still so fond of it. Maybe one day people will be looking the same way at what we are doing, and looking at new ways to serve the community effectively given the changing times.


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