Friday, May 14, 2010

My friend: the good and faithful servant

Some of our ministries are not outside of our building. Part of what we have to do is constantly be sharing our story, and rallying the congregation around us. Some of the eldler folks have been telling us how much they pray for us, and so we thought it would be a good thing to start a weekly prayer meeting. It's another good way to share our story, our concerns, our joys, with others as they do the same.

Anyway, only one person was there and so we decided to not meet. Instead we just talked. She shared how she lost her son in 1970 due to accidental gun fire. I was amazed at how clear of a memory she had when she recounted the minor events around that day. What was even more amazing was that she knew the person responsible and forgave him, didn't press charges, and left it in God's hands. This woman is an amazing example to me of how to love, live, forgive, and be at peace. As we talked about this, I was looking at Hannah my two month old daughter thinking that my whole world would break down if this happened to her. My mental state would collapse and I would most surely become numb to the world around me. But the woman shared with me, a poem that was shared with her at this time which talked about everything being God's and our family, friends, children, etc are on loan from God who can call them back at any time.

Kind of a dark post, but I was challenged by her faith and wanted to share this. Often we hear testimonies from these older members of our church and we don't consider their faith was built upon good things as well as horrific things like this.


Kiri Aho said...

Hi, I clicked on the link to your blog from Major Phil's urban mission blog. thanks for your blog, good thoughts.

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