Thursday, October 29, 2009

On Community...

I am utterly exhausted. Can someone clone a few of me to share the work load? Currently we are prepping our house for sale while renovating our new house. At work we're getting ready for kettles, carrying on with our Fall activities, and planning for the launch of some new ministries this Winter. As of yesterday we now have six people, four cats, one dog, and a baby on the way living in our house. With Rachel pregnant, that takes her outof the equation as far as physical work goes. So, I go to bed every night exhausted.

It was pretty cool last night though. Mitch and Alycia (two people who attend our bible study and also volunteer at The Sal often if not weekly) got home, and Noelle (another bible study attendee) , Rachel, and I were sitting on the couch chatting. So we all sat down and had some soft pretzels and mustard. Earlier on Zac was hanging out with our friend Buffy and we all sat down for a chat. It may not seem like much, but it feels nice to be among friends and to have friends sharing in our time in the city. We have a joke going around on my facebook page that its like the show "The Real World".

I think this helps to make things go by faster and helps to alleviate the exhaustion. We really do need community with friends. It is refreshing, renewing, and helps to build us up as we push forward in our efforts to love everyone and love God.


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