Thursday, May 28, 2009

This Saturday there are two (possibly three) opportunities to be involved in the neighborhood/downtown Flint area.

Option 1&2:
Pass out water at the "water station" during the 5k Race / Heart Walk (part of the Crim series of races) or play in a brass ensemble during the race (option 2).

We are in need of at least 10 people to help pass out water cups to the runners and walkers of this event. The Crim has also offered us an info table at the finish line area where we can pass out info about our church as well as pass out Salvation Army water bottles with water in them for the participants. At least 1,000 runners will be taking place in this course which starts downtown and moves through the Cultural Center area and then back to the downtown area.

We currently have six people signed up and are in need of a few more.

We are meeting at 7:00am at the corps for this outreach. The race begins at 8:00am. End time varies given that there are walkers as well as runners. We estimate being there until 10:00 or 11:00am.

Option 3:

Help with minimal garden work such as weeding, sweeping off the sidewalks next to the gardens, dead-heading, etc..

The Citadel has recently partnered with International Academy through Keeping Genesee County Beautiful,Cultivating Our Community,Ruth Mott/Applewood and adopted three blocks of the I69 Downtown Entrance Gateway, which is street level only (not on the slop going down to I69). These are recent beautification projects that the city can no longer can take care of. The Grand Traverse District Neighborhood Association has adopted two blocks, and the Red Cross and Resource Genesee are also adopting a block.

We are in need of 6 volunteers for this project.

We have set a 9:00am start time. This should take very little time because there is not a whole lot to be done, however we could be there for 1-2 hours. Parking is available at the (now closed) Ross Oil Change at the corner of 9th and Saginaw.

Please consider helping with these projects. These are very easy projects for people of all ages. In fact, we have both teens and seniors signed up to help already! Interested persons please contact us @ 232-0617, sign up above the drinking fountain, or email


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