Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Prayer Walk Part II

We do not normally stop here, but this is a Traverse Place, a house for homeless youth from ages 17-20 that is located close to us. We are planning on contacting them to see if there is any potential partnering to be done here. Here is the Grand Traverse Neighborhood "Wall" located on Ann Arbor street between Second and Third streets. The wall sadly has been torn down because it provides a safe hidden place for people to dump debris down the hill into the Spring Grove Wetlands. Fortunately, Erin Wyatt was brought in to take pictures of this wall in great detail. Those pictures will be put together in some sort of memorial to be displayed in the Stockton Center which is next to the wall.

Behind the wall there is a clear open area which drops off down a hill into the rest of Spring Grove Wetlands. For the last however number of years, this has been an industrial site. When businesses moved people began to dump refuse down the hill. Next weekend (May 14-16), it is going to be cleaned up and made into a wetland reserve. I am excited to have this green space in the heart of the city.

Spring Grove also extends to the north across Second Street, but that area is not part of this years projects.

Spring Grove also extends behind Stockton Center.


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