Monday, August 2, 2010

How is it August already? Things are so crazy at work and at home, and in the neighborhood that the time is flying by. We just went through a budget for a five year step down grant that will end when I am 35! Not that 35 is old, but it's crazy to be looking so far into the future with plans for work and what not. It's somewhat a bummer to be talking about having things in place for when our pastors are moved (The SA moves pastors every few years or so) and we get a new set of pastors in the next few years. It's crazy to be thinking about the future and what God has for us next. Are we to stay in Flint? Are we going somewhere else? All these questions... It's definitely not something I would have imagined filling my life say 12 years ago when I had just finished high school and had no idea what I was going to do with my life. So why does time have to fly by so fast? I like being busy, but I do long for some rest and relaxation aside from a Sunday afternoon nap. I long for the say when my house will be done, and I can have some downtime like normal people have. But, then by the time that happens, we'll probably be off somewhere else and time will again be slipping past us. It definitely causes me to take stock of my life, and how I spend my time. How can I lead the most productive and meaningful life in leu of the speed with which life is flying by.


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