Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Neighborhood Fun Fest

On Sunday August 30th from 3:00pm-6:00pm in Memorial Park, there will be a neighborhood family fest (similar to our previous Fall Family Fun Fests) put on by the Grand Traverse District Neighborhood Association (Key Ceremony for Habitat home recipients @ 2:00pm). The Flint Citadel, Genesee County Habitat For Humanity, Court Street Village, and several other organizations will be partnering in this event.

In addition to the park itself (including the new playground), there will be an inflatable bounce house, face painting, balloons, a clown(?), tons of giveaways (including school supplies for children of the neighborhood), resource tables for different area agencies and businesses with promotional giveaways, free food and beverages, karaoke, music, carnival games, prizes, and more.

For the Citadel's part, we will be providing:

  • 8 Carnival Games (in need of 16 volunteers to help run these)
  • Prize Table (in need of 3 people for this)
  • Free Popcorn (in need of 2 people)
  • An information table which will have info on our programs/services, as well as a sign up sheet for Fall activities
  • Tables, chairs, canopies, and 2 pieces of staging (as many able bodied volunteers as we can to help load and unload)
*Lunch will be provided for any helpers (after the Holiness Meeting) who are helping with load up and set up.

We anticipate 350 people at this event most of which live within walking distance to the Citadel. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this event and get to know our neighbors and help in some capacity. Contact tom_wyatt@usc.savationarmy.org to let us know where you would like to volunteer, or if you have any ideas we haven't mentioned.


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