Thursday, July 9, 2009

This week we spent several hours flyering for Picnics in the Park because we have some special events coming up we wanted to promote. It was pretty rewarding to walk down the street and have a ton of kids start running towards you saying "we know you!" and asking what you have. I looked across the street and Rachel was all smiles. We pretty much knew that we are off to a good start in the neighborhood. Yes, we are providing food to kids, but we're finding they don't have a HUGE need for it. It's more something for them in conjunction with the playground at the park and the other activities we do there. The same thing happened yesterday when we were finishing up flyering. Sometimes, we get to talk to the parents who are often at a loss as to why their kid is running towards a stranger and smiling. Other times we can hear a parent or sibling yelling at the kids to not talk to people on the street while they try to explain that they know us. It's interesting to observe the innocence of children in an urban/inner city location which most liklely will morph to a lack of trust by the time they hit their teen years and progressivley down hill from there. Nonetheless, I enjoy this time with the children and hope that we can love them as Jesus loves them. I hope that they will contintue to trust us. I hope that they will continue to develop positive attributes contrary to the environment they live in.

Today we had ice cream sundaes after lunch. We had almost 40 kids today. It was crazy. Kelly was sick still, so Yocathy helped out. Afterward, we played baseball, basketball, and soccer. We also used the playground of course. It was a very cool day and the time flew by. I can't wait to move into the neighborhood.

P.S. We'll post pics soon from today.


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