Monday, May 11, 2009

1st Annual National Day of Prayer in Memorial Park

Thursday May 7th was designated the National Day of Prayer for the United States. We didn't get any wind of any other prayer events going on in the city (Flint) and so we decided to put together some interactive prayer event in Memorial Park during the lunch hour for people to come to. While we were small in number this year, it was a good start. It also did not help that it rained for nearly the whole time. Overall, we consider it a success. It was grassroots, interactive, creative, and stimulating. We now have one more thing to plan for next year and get the word out so that we can gather together a larger group of people in the city to pray.

Here is the Prayer Requests Station. (Pretty Self Explanatory)

This was the historical/cultural station for Flint. Flint has a rich history and continues to add to that history (not just on the negative side).

This was an interactive station. Where people added words / prayers.

The leaders / Government station

The Flint "issues" station.

Captain Jon & Don Clough (I think Don is sharing some profound wisdom with Captain)

Rachel and Bill trying to stay dry...

The future/renovations/revitalization station.

Some people arriving...

World issues station

People prayed for geographic areas and placed a sticker on that area. Sadly the globe was subject to the rain and did not survive.

Gathering up at 12:30 for group prayer

An overview of the park


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