Monday, October 18, 2010

Lots going on here, and yet sometimes it feels as if there isn't a whole going on as well.

Last week we had our bell ringer job fair and took applications from a little over 100 people. Rachel is now deep in kettle planning. The dreaded scheduling board is on the wall, and she is starting to formulate people's schedules. Kettles start Friday November the 12th and end on Christmas eve.

We have lots going on in the neighborhood. Last week we had our first meeting to discuss what we could develop Oak School into. This school, located in the center of our neighborhood, is one of Flint's oldest schools and could be used for residential, art space, etc.. We're doing a walk through today at 2pm to get a look at it so that we can get a better idea of what it could or couldn't be used as. We've also started up the Spring Grove Restoration committee meetings again. The property is developing nicely and we need to keep up the momentum. We have a seeding day scheduled for Saturday at 10am until around Noon. Another thing we are working on is a sort of neighborhood blueprint as far as what businesses, alt. residential spaces we'd like to see in our neighborhood. We are in need of some more businesses, especially service provision based ones.

Dave is on his way to Texas for the funeral of his Grandfather. His Grandmother has not been doing well and has had multiple surgeries (some due to complications while in surgery), and Dave's grandfather seemed to have not been able to take the stress of the situation. Last week he went home from the hospital, stayed in bed for a day and then collapsed from heart failure. Keep Dave's family in your prayers as this is a very sad time for them.

Speaking of Dave, he's been leading worship for Campus Crusade at UM Flint, attending a campus church service on Sunday afternoons, and participating in the musical worship there as well. Afterwards, he heads down to Fenton for a inter-college/university bible study at some one's house that he says numbers around 70 people. He's making some good inroads with the college population, something Rachel and I are admittedly not gifted at.

Two weeks ago, I participated in an event that our housemate Andy planned around the issue of climate change. Around 20-25 of us gathered at the flat lot on Saginaw street, decorated our bikes, and then went on a few mile ride through parts of Flint. It was a great day to ride, and I think we all had a lot of fun. Later on, several of us met up again to watch the film "The Age of Stupid" at Buckham Gallery. I like that we can always find events like this in our city. Some say we are a dead city, but all around us, there are people working for the city's renewal, for global causes, for the arts, etc.. There is always something going on.

Last, Rachel and I have been feeling pretty worn out lately. She's wrestling with the desire to be a stay at home mom, despite loving the work she does. I'm just feeling spent. We are going non stop whether it is work, concerts, rehabbing our house, Hannah, neighborhood meetings, etc.. Our Summer flew by and we haven't had much of a chance to get away and get a break. I'm looking forward to next year when we can go on vacation. (This year's vacation was leave due to the birth of Hannah) So, I think we've both been trying to spend more time in prayer, reading the bible, and reading books that pertain to what we do at work, community, etc.. At times, you can get bogged down with finances, work, projects, etc and not find time to take a break and refuel. We certainly don't want to burn out.


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