Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yesterday we went on a prayer walk down to the south side of our neighborhood. That area has recently gotten a whole lot more drug traffic, and I wanted to meet with a neighbor who called me concerned about it all. She had been in the house a year and has seen it recently get really crazy down there. She's had a rough few years as she and her son nearly died during the delivery. Her family was also victim to the financial meltdown that hit two years ago. They lost their house, and her husband lost his job at a construction company. So now they find themselves in Flint raising a three year old boy and surrounded by drug deals and theft. I left not knowing how the situation is going to get resolved. I think all of us left with a stengthened belief that Christ is the only stability we have.

Today we spoke again with another neighbor who lives in the same area. She filed a complaint against her landlord and was informed that she was living in a house that was condemned over a year ago. So now she is scrambling to find a place to move to. Fortunately, she is recieving assistance from the state who will help relocate her and her two children.


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